Novus 님이 주셔서 본 앤드류 가필드의 인터뷰 내용(요새는 먼저 찾아 보는 게 없다 게으른 인생). 2분 8초부터 보면 됨.
같은 남자에게 vulnerable 이라니 RPS 파야 하겠네 하고 농담했지만 발췌한 문장에서 마지막 몇 줄이 머리를 멍멍하게 했다. 저건 내 얘기잖아...
We 've all been betrayed by a girlfriend or a boyfriend or a sibling or a parent, so it's sort of universally relatable for me. So for me, Jesse had to be that person. The person I would never expect it from. And that was incredibly easy. As soon as I met him, I fell in love with him. I projected every single one of those things onto him. Because he’s so vulnerable as a human being. He’s so kind of open and just wildly funny, and his way of seeing the world is so unique. And that’s another aspect. I had to be an aura for him, I had to support him and support his genius and to be protective of him and want him for myself. And to be his boyfriend, really, in every way but a sexual way. So it was all very, very easy. I think Jesse is a genius. He’s brilliantly intelligent, brilliantly funny, intuitive, sensitive, but yet he has this incredible innocence and naivety about himin terms of the people he meets constantly and the way that he sees the world. So it was very easy for me to want to spend every moment of everyday with him and steal ideas from him. I love being around incredibly creative and gifted people. I’m not one to get too jealous. I’m usually one to be an aura of those people and feed off the energy that they create. So that was a piece of cake, to fall in love with Jesse.
이 잘 생기고 젋고 "똑똑하기까지" 한, 말 잘 하는 앤드류씨의 말 중 볼드체한 저 문장은 나와 똑같다. 나도 그런 사람이다. 그런 사람 곁에 있고 싶고 제발 저 멀리 영상 속이 아니라 오프라인에서도 최대한 그런 사람 곁에만 있고 싶다.
... 물론 모든 내용이 다 뿜기는 것 또한 사실이다. 앤드류 무서운 사람 같으니.