Sam이 쓴 감상적인 연설문의 일부
The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels tonight.
동창이 CJ 에게
And you were the smartest, funniest, saddest girl in Dayton.
메리 루이스 파커
I embrace the cold. I luxuriate in the cold. I fight cold with more cold.
누가 말했는지 기억이 안 남 ㅠ_ㅠ
I find life to be terribly overrated. It's boring when it's not disappointing.
Why are you asking a question when you're going to have the conversation all by yourself?
I'm gonna crush him.
This guy's trying to get a little free media by screwing with us!
I'm the enforcer, Sam.
I'm gonna crush him, I'm gonna make him cry, and then I'm gonna tell his momma about it!
what will Lio do? (WWLD)
Thank you for the fortune cookie wisdom.
I'm less visually observant than others but I make up for it.
- How?
- With cunning and guile.
AA's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.
Why help them? because we can.